Created for nonprofit & government animal well-being organizations, and FREE to use #ThankstoMaddie

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We're big believers in lifelong learning, and whether you're looking to take better photos, up your bio writing game, or dive deeper into the power of good marketing, we've got you covered.

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HeARTs Speak's Marketing Resources Center has everything from photography tips and tutorials to marketing templates and educational blogs. Here are some highlights from the photography collection:

BONUS: Explore HeARTs Speak's blog for hot topics and tips, find a professional photographer or graphic designer to volunteer for your organization, or do a deep dive into recorded presentations and interviews on YouTube


Maddie's® University is a free online learning university for animal welfare leaders, staff and volunteers. And there is a treasure trove of marketing resources available in this library! Here are some favorites:

BONUS: Access even more tools and tips via the Chew On This blog or join Maddie's® Pet Forum for the very best in peer-to-peer education and networking. Or, join the Weekly Community Conversations call to collaborate, learn, and connect!

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These are a few of our favorite things: A few more resources and ideas

Looking for more stock photo options? There are some great options for low or no cost stock photos out there, but it can be tough to find images that incorporate diversity in both human and animal subjects. Here are a few great places to start your search if you're still in need of more photos to support your good work:
  • Images with HeART: HeARTs Speak's affordable stock photo site has thousands of images to choose from, all taken by members of our Artists Helping Animals program.
  • iStockphoto: Royalty free, international micro stock photography with detailed search. (Paid)
  • Unsplash: Beautiful, free images and photos that you can download and use for any project. (Free)
  • POCstock: Stunning stock photos of diverse and culturally accurate images of people of color. (Paid monthly plans)
  • Getty - ShowUs: A groundbreaking library devoted to shattering beauty stereotypes by showing female identifying and non-binary individuals. (Paid)
  • Pexels: The best free stock photos, royalty free images and videos shared by creators. (Free/Donation-based)
Created By Hs Maddies